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APN-010 Rev 1 August 12, 1997
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Single Point Averaging with GPSolution
Many GPS users may not be aware of the performance capability of the position averaging
function provided with GPSolution (formerly known as WinSat). By averaging many GPS
measurement epochs over several hours, it is possible to achieve an absolute position based on
the WGS 84 datum to better than five meters. This bulletin attempts to explain how the position
averaging function operates and to provide an indication of the level of accuracy that can be
expected versus total averaging time.
The position averaging function is engaged by selecting Positioning Averaging from the view
menu. Note that launching this function will unfix the 3-D position if it happens to be fixed, so
averaging should not be done simultaneously while the receiver is operating as a differential base
station. The position averaging function will record and average the single point GPS position
every 10 minutes until one of two user-specified criteria are met:
• the total averaging time has elapsed, or
• the desired position standard deviations are achieved.
Both of these criteria are set by the user in the Position Avg … screen located in the Settings
menu. Once position averaging is complete, GPSolution will fix the 3-D position to the averaged
coordinates. The averaging algorithm is more rigourous than straight sample averaging. The
function will take into account the current satellite geometry and signal levels to weight each
observation appropriately. For this reason, the results of the GPSolution averaging function will
be better than performing an average calculation of numerous GPS positions taken over time.
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The position accuracy that may be achieved by this method will be dependent on many factors:
average satellite geometry, sky visibility at antenna location, satellite health, time of day, etc..
The following graph summarizes the results of several examples of position averaging over
different time periods. The intent is to provide an idea of the relationship between averaging
time and position accuracy. All experiments were performed using a single frequency receiver
with an ideal antenna location.
WARNING: This graph represents typical results using the GPSolution position averaging routine.
This function is useful for obtaining the WGS-84 position of a point to a reasonable accuracy
without having to implement differential GPS. It is interesting to note that even a six hour
occupation can improve single point GPS accuracy from over fifty meters to better than five
meters. This improved accuracy is primarily due to the elimination of the multi-path error in the
GPS signal.
Again, it is necessary to keep in mind that the resulting standard deviations of the position
averaging can vary quite a bit, especially over relatively short averaging times. To illustrate, the
position averaging function was run for a period of one hour at three different times during the
day. The resulting standard deviation in latitude varied from 4.7 to 7.0 meters. Similarly, the
variation in longtitude and height were 4.9 to 6.7 meters and 10.9 to 12.5 meters respectively.
This degree of variation is common for averaging periods of less than 12 hours due to changes in
the satellite constellation. The graph, however, should at least provide some indication of the
accuracy one may expect from single point position averaging.
Single Point Averaging
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
Time (hours)
Standard Deviation (meters)
Latitude Longtitude Height