APN-041 Rev 1A July 2013
Application Note on Network RTK for the
OEMV Receivers
This application note includes background information on Network RTK and general guidance on how to use
it. The majority of the content in this paper is from a distribution report done for NovAtel Inc. titled Network
RTK Status Western Europe by Hans-Jürgen Euler from inPosition gmbh.
About Network RTK
Network RTK development started over ten years ago with the introduction of real-time GPS baseline
solutions. Around the world, there were activities surrounding Network RTK but in Germany, the idea to
install permanent base stations for high-precision RTK applications was fostered. Network RTK uses
permanent base station installations, allowing kinematic GNSS users to achieve centimeter accuracies
without the need for setting up a GNSS base station on a known site.
Using permanent base stations is advantageous in areas with considerable GNSS surveying activity
because many users can share the infrastructure and the associated costs. Some of the installations are
operated by companies that provide service to the surveying community. Installations can be a single base
station, a number of single base stations, or networked base stations. A single base station within 20-30 km
from the rover is typically required if a user is operating in a standard base to rover mode. Otherwise the
performance, accuracy, and the reliability of user's RTK may be degraded.
For the base operator, networking reduces the number of base stations that are needed to provide a given
level of accuracy to the rover so integrating several base stations into a network improves the accuracy and
increases the overall user system performance. Networking also reduces the number of base stations
required to cover a large area. These permanent base station networks require real-time communication to a
networking computation center and real-time estimation of biases between bases.
An understanding of applied corrections or the processing procedure is also very important because the
installations rely on proprietary computation algorithms and formats that could restrict the field equipment. It
is in the interest of service providers to supply the service for more than a single type of RTK field
Many Network RTK methods exist, but currently, VRS (Virtual Reference Station), iMAX, FKP (Flächen
Korrektur Parameter - the German phrase for spatial correction parameter) and MAC (Master-Auxiliary
Concept) are the most common. See pages 2 and 3 for more information on individual methods.
The calculations required to produce the observation information follow these principal sequences for data
1. Base station observation information transfer to a central location
2. Integer ambiguity resolution for observations between base stations
3. Fit model parameters to deviations
4. Determination of corrections for rover position and correction of observations
5. Calculation of the rover’s position based on its observation information and network information
These principal steps are used by different Network RTK software and remote firmware. Some of these
calculation steps might be combined into one step, but this does not change the overall principle. See Figure
Hans-Jürgen Euler (December 2005), Reference Station Network Information Distribution. International
Association of Geodesy Commision 4: Positioning & Applications. Retrieved October, 2007 from, IAG WG 4.5.1:
Network RTK.
APN-041 Rev 1A July 2013
Independent RTCM Format
Traditionally, the communication interface between different manufacturers’ GNSS equipment is the
manufacturer independent RTCM format. Networking services based on either FKP or VRS approaches
provide the observations via the RTCM standard, but are currently operating in a mode not defined in the
standard document and/or disseminating additional information in a proprietary message. RTCM delivers a
container (message type 59) for proprietary information, but the content is not specified in the standard.
Figure 1: Data flow between reference stations and rover system
The figure above shows sequence of operations and calculations required until a rover's position is
calculated. Current network approaches are to distribute the principle calculations between the software of
the network and the rover. As long as calculation steps are performed within the same software, these steps
can be combined into one step. For more information on these steps, refer to
Reference Station Network
Information Distribution by Hans-Jürgen Euler.
Network RTK Methods Supported by OEMV Receivers
The virtual reference station (VRS), or virtual base station (VBS), method, introduced by Trimble, calculates
a set of corrections from a virtual base station in the vicinity of a rover receiver. All baseline-length-
dependent errors, such as abnormal troposphere variation, ionospheric disturbances and orbital errors are
removed from the VRS because the virtual base is so close to the rover. The rover sends the position to the
network in a standard NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) GGA message and the network
software calculates the position of the VRS. The VRS corrections are sent back to the rover and the rover
calculates its position. Most rovers receive VRS data for a calculated base station that is only a few meters
VRS data is supplied as RTCM messages RTCM1819 or RT2021and RTCM V3 messages RTCM1003 and
The VRS approach requires bi-directional communication for supplying the rover’s position to the networking
Refer to the OEMV Family Firmware Reference Manual for details on these RTCM and RTCM V3 messages.
APN-041 Rev 1A July 2013
The iMAX method, introduced by Leica Geosystems, calculates a set of corrections based on the rover
position, similar to VRS. However, instead of calculating the base station observations for a location close to
the provided rover position, original observation information is corrected at the base station position and sent
to the rover in a compact form. In VRS, use of a virtual base station, close to the rover, may disguise the
residual ionospheric errors in the base observations. However, iMAX provides actual base station position
information therefore, the real distance to the base can be computed from the base station coordinates, and
the rover may be able to open its settings to estimate the remaining residual ionospheric delay. The iMAX
method may trigger the rover to open its settings further than required since the networking software
removes at least part of the ionospheric disturbances. However, compared to VRS above, this approach is
safer since it notifies the rover when there might be baseline-length-dependent errors in the observation
iMAX uses
RTCM 3.0 Network RTK messages and requires bi-directional communication to the networking
software for supplying the base station observation information.
FKP Reference Station Information
The FKP method is another approach that delivers the information from a base station network to the rover.
No precise knowledge of the rover’s position is required for providing the correct information. The corrections
are deployed as gradients to be used for interpolating to the rover’s actual position.
FKP is the preferred method of Geo++ for disseminating network RTK information. In principle, any format
capable of transporting base station raw observations can be used together with a message to transport the
FKP coefficients. Geo++ combines the FKP information with RTCM version 2.3, RTCM2021 messages
which has been adopted as the standard for SAPOS. For the FKP information, no standard has been
adopted yet but some users and providers argue that there is a standard because the information is being
transmitted in an RTCM59 message. The layout of the message is described in RTCM Message Type 59-
FKP for transmission of FKP document from the Geo++ webpage found at
. This document describes the layout and the
interpretation of the bit stream.
In contrast to VRS, FKP can be used for broadcast installations. Bi-directional communication between the
rover and the network is not mandatory, but for large networks different access numbers or points are
required. When bi-directional communication is available, FKP installations require NMEA coordinates.
These positions are used to determine the most suitable base station FKP constellation for the user. The
advantage of this is that only one access point is required to cover the whole network. This is important for
users covering large regions with different base stations close to the working area.
Other Proprietary Network RTK methods
Mac (Master-Auxiliary Concept)
The basic principle of the master-auxiliary concept is to provide, in compact form, as much of the information
from the network and the errors it is observing to the rover as possible. With more information on the state
and distribution of the dispersive and non-dispersive errors across the network, the rover is able to use more
intelligent algorithms in the determination of its position solution. Each supplier of reference station software
will have their own proprietary algorithms for modeling or estimating these error sources. The rover system
can decide to use or to neglect the network RTK information depending on its own firmware algorithm
MAC uses defined RTCM messages so, in theory, each installation should be identical and have no
proprietary messages. The formats of these messages are still under discussion by the RTCM standards
committee but once they are defined and the initial algorithm implementation is complete, it will be easier for
manufacturers of rover equipment to support MAC.
APN-041 Rev 1A July 2013
This command sets the RTK network mode for a specific network.
Abbreviated ASCII Syntax: Message ID: 951
RTKNETWORK mode [network#]
Factory Default:
rtknetwork auto
Input Example:
rtknetwork imax
Field Field Type
This field contains the command name or
the message header depending on
whether the command is abbreviated
ASCII, ASCII or binary, respectively.
RTK network mode see Table 1: Network
RTK Mode.
The factory default is auto where the
receiver switches to the first available
network RTK source.
Specify a number for the network
default = 0
APN-041 Rev 1A July 2013
Table 1: Network RTK Mode
Binary ASCII Description
Single reference station RTK mode. All received network RTK corrections are ignored.
The virtual reference station (VRS), or virtual base station (VBS), idea, introduced by Trimble, is
that a base station is artificially created in the vicinity of a rover receiver. All baseline-length-
dependent errors, such as abnormal troposphere variation, ionospheric disturbances and orbital
errors, are reduced for this VRS. The rover receiving VRS information has a lower level of these
errors than a distant base station. The VRS is calculated for a position, supplied by the rover
during communication start-up, with networking software. The VRS position can change if the
rover is far away from the initial point. The format for sending the rover’s position is standard
NMEA format. Most rovers receive VRS data for a calculated base station that is within a couple
of metres away. The VRS approach requires bi-directional communication for supplying the
rover’s position to the networking software.
The iMAX idea, introduced by Leica Geosystems, is that networking software corrections, based
on the rover’s position, are calculated as with VRS. However, instead of calculating the base
station observations for the provided position, or another position closer to the base station,
original observation information is corrected with the calculated corrections and broadcast. VRS
works so that although the rover is unaware of errors the VRS is taking care of, there still might be
ionospheric remains in the base station observations. iMAX provides actual base station position
information. The rover may assume the base station is at a distance and open its settings for
estimation of the remaining ionospheric residuals. The iMAX method may trigger the rover to open
its settings further than required since the networking software removes at least part of the
ionospheric disturbances. However, compared to VRS above, this approach is safer since it
notifies the rover when there might be baseline-length-dependent errors in the observation
information. iMAX requires bi-directional communication to the networking software for supplying
the base station observation information.
The FKP method delivers the information from a base station network to the rover. No precise
knowledge of the rover’s position is required for providing the correct information. The corrections
are deployed as gradients to be used for interpolating to the rover’s actual position.
The basic principle of the master-auxiliary concept is to provide, in compact form, as much of the
information from the network and the errors it is observing to the rover as possible. With more
information on the state and distribution of the dispersive and non-dispersive errors across the
network, the rover is able to use more intelligent algorithms in the determination of its position
solution. Each supplier of reference station software will have their own proprietary algorithms for
modeling or estimating these error sources. The rover system can decide to use or to neglect the
network RTK information depending on its own firmware algorithm performance.
Default value, assume single base. If network RTK corrections are detected then the receiver will
switch to the appropriate mode. iMAX and
VRS can only be detected using RTCMV3 however it is
not possible to distinguish between iMAX or VRS. If iMAX or VRS is detected then iMAX will be
Final Points
If you require further information, regarding the topics covered by this document, please contact:
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