Dependable data transfer
In the SATELLINE-EASy Pro the error rate is
minimized by means of advance checking and
correction of the data packets. In Forward
Error Correction (FEC), the data packets are
split in several blocks. The radio modem
adds correction information inside the
blocks during transmission.
In a SATELLINE-EASy Pro network, any
substation can function as a repeater. In this
operating mode (store and forward), the
radio modem receives a message, buers
the received data, and transmits it further
to another substation, using the same radio
channel as in reception.
SATELLINE-EASy Pro features embedded
Message Routing soware, which takes
care of routing messages across a radio
modem network automatically aer proper
settings have been made. Communication is
completely transparent, which makes
Message Routing directly compatible with
most user protocols.
Heavy-duty tool
for outdoor use
Frequency 403…473 MHz
Tuning Range 70 MHz
Channel Width 12.5 / 20 / 25 kHz (Soware selectable)
Frequency Error Tolerance < 1 kHz
Type of Emission F1D
Communication Mode Half-Duplex
Carrier Power 10, 20, 25 or 35 W / 50 ohm (Default)
5, 10, 20 or 25 W / 50 ohm (Option *)
Carrier Power Stability (+ 2 dB / - 3 dB)
TX Duty Cycle **
35 W
10 W
100 % ( 22 °C / 35 °C ) 40 %
20 min / 13 min no limit
no limit / 50 min no limit
Sensitivity < -114 dBm (BER < 10 E-3) ***
Co-channel Rejection > -12 dB
Adjacent Channel Selectivity > 47 dB @ 12.5 kHz / > 52 dB @ 25 kHz
Intermodulation Attenuation > 60 dB
Spurious Radiation < 2 nW
Interface RS-232
Interface Connector Waterproof IP67, 8-pin ODU
Data Speed of Serial Interface 300 – 38400 bps
Data Speed of Radio Interface 19200 bps ( 25 kHz ) 9600 bps ( 12.5 / 20 kHz )
Data Format Asynchronous RS-232
Input Voltage **** +9 ... +16 Vdc
Operating voltage
4-pin ODU MINI-Snap
Size 1
Power Consumption
1.8 W typical (Receive)
120 W typical (Transmit
35W output power)
100 W typical (Transmit
25W output power)
Temperature Range -
-25 oC … +55 oC
-40 oC … +75 oC
(absolute minimum /
Temperature Range -
-40 oC … +85 oC
Antenna Connector TNC, 50 ohm, female
Construction Aluminium Enclosure
Size H x W x D 189 x 138 x 71 mm (w.
Weight 1420 g
IP Classication IP67 (NEMA 6)
SATELLINE-EASy Pro is an IP67 classied UHF radio
modem with a high power (up to 25 or 35 W) transmitter,
wide 70 MHz tuning range (403 ... 473 MHz) in one
hardware and selectable channel spacing.
SATELLINE-EASy Pro is particularly well suited for
mobile eld applications (land surveying, for
instance) under varying weather conditions. Due to
the high transmitting power, connection distances
more than 80 kilometres can be covered in
favourable conditions.
With the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) the user can
monitor the current operating status (frequency,
channel number) as well as condition (power level,
voltage level, eld strength) of the radio modem.
SATELLINE-EASy Pro is compatible with SATELLINE-
EASy family products too.
Technical specications SATELLINE-EASy Pro
SATELLINE-EASy Pro complies with the EN 300 113, EN 301 489-1, -5, EN 60950-1 and FCC Part 90 specications.
* Limited output power is available as on order option.
** If high output power is used continuously or with a high duty cycle, the equipment generates excess heat. The output
power is automatically decreased when necessary to prevent overheating. Typical operating times are shown in the chart
with dierent output powers and duty cycles @ 22°C and 35°C.
*** Depends on receiver settings.
**** ≥ +12 Vdc @ 35 W output power
Values are subject to change without notice.