With SATEL radio modems, setting
up a local data transfer network is
quick and cost effective. Your wireless
network is independent and free of
operator services. The cost of opera-
tion is either free of charge or fixed,
depending on the frequency used.
SATELLINE radio modems are type-
approved in over 50 countries. For
the latest information, please visit our
website www.satel.com.
SATELLINE radio modems are always
on line, and provide reliable, real-
time data communications over dis-
tances ranging from tens or hundreds
of metres up to around 80 kilome-
tres. Thanks to a store and forward
function, any radio modem in a net-
work can be used as a master station,
substation and / or repeater.
SATELLINE radio modem networks
are flexible, easy to expand and can
cover a wide variety of solutions from
simple point-to-point connections to
large networks comprising hundreds
of modems. Even for expanded net-
works, only one operating frequency
is required.
All SATELLINE radio data modems
fulfil RoHS requirements (EU direc-
tives 2002/95/EC and 2002/96/
EU) as of 1 July 2006.
I-LINK 100
Wireless World – Local Solution
SATEL I-LINK 100 is an I/O-converter, intended to be use together with
SATELLINE radio data modems, facilitating transparent transfer of contact
information or analog signals from one location to another.
Building your own application is now even easier than before!
With the I-LINK 100 converter and SATELLINE radio modem you can trans-
fer information on a switch position or the reading of a measuring gauge
(analog or digital) from the point of surveillance to the control station and
vice versa.
In the Point-to-Point operating mode the connection is between two points.
The I-LINK 100 can also be used in a Point-to-Multipoint mode, for transfer
of information between a master station and several slave stations.
In order to offer even more flexibility, Modbus compatible version is avail-
able too.